Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's the simple things...

Gideon is sitting next to me brushing my hair with a My Little Pony comb.

Juliette has been saying goofy things like "Doggone it!" "Oh my gosh!" and "Dang it!" I'm going to have to watch what I say very carefully.

Now, Gideon is setting next to me, putting the camera to his ear and saying hello.

Now, he's holding it up to his eye, getting right in my face saying, "Cheese!" or some gurgle that sounds like cheese.

Speaking of cheese, Juliette was in the fridge asking me if she could have some and brought me the 1 lb. wedge of parmesan we got at Sam's yesterday...uh, no cheese for you.

Julie calls panties candies.

She is very excited about her new "dancing dress."

Gideon is leaning against me now, putting his head on my shoulder...such a cuddler (he also smells like poop, but oh well, I'll get to that later.

He's pressing the buttons on the camera and saying "uh-oh."

I'm so blessed with these kids! I love that I can have conversations with Juliette now, this Mommy thing gets better every day. I'm so blessed to be able to stay at home with them! I better take the camera from Gideon before he starts deleting stuff.

Happy Ballerina

Naked smiles

I'm going to smile really big!
Ray makes this face sometimes

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Nonny's Next Bestseller

Why did God make Juju?

God made Juju for many reasons.
God made Juju because Mommy and Daddy had so much love they needed a very special little girl to share that love with.
God made Juju because he knew he was going to made Gideon and that he would need a very sweet and smart big sister to look up to.
God made Juju because Nonny and Poppy needed someone very, very special to make the world seem all better.
God made Juju because he has wonderful plans for her and that she is the only little girl that can do all the things that God wants Juju to do; like sing songs about Him, and help other little boys and girls know Him better, and help Mommy and Daddy to understand how very much God loves them by sending them the best little girl in the whole world.
But mostly God made Juju because sometimes he just likes to show off.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Nonny's Night Night Book for Juju

Why did God make nighttime?

Nighttime is for sleeping so that everybody and everything can work and play during the daytime.
If birds didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t fly and sing pretty songs when it’s daytime.
If dogs didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t bark and chase their tails when it’s daytime.
If cats didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t meow and chase furry little mice when it’s daytime.
If cows didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t chew on grass and make milk when it’s daytime.
If horses didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t run and buck when it’s daytime.
If pigs didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t play in the mud and oink when it’s daytime.
If chickens didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t lay eggs and scratch in the dirt when it’s daytime.
If mommy and daddy didn’t sleep at night they couldn’t play with Juju and
Gideon or take care of them when it’s daytime.
If Juju didn’t sleep at night she couldn’t run, or play with Gideon, or take care of Elmo, or help Mommy, or play outside, or color, or draw, or jump up and down, or watch movies, or visit friends, or go to the store, or give hugs and kisses when it’s daytime.
So God made nighttime so we can sleep so that we can do all the things we want to do in the daytime.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pictures from Nonny's

Juliette loves the tire swing, even if Elmo was being strangled.

Brown feet, White feet

Juliette and Paw-Paw, well she calls Granny Paw-Paw, so I guess this is...

Juliette and Granny

Too pooped to party...she's still recuperating

I feel bad that I don't have any to post of Gideon, especially since he's usually the easier one to photograph. I guess that's a testament to the fact that he is much more mobile than he has been in the past. He didn't stay still long enough to get a good shot.

Pool Day

Happy, happy boy! He finally likes water!

A couple of nuts

We bought a new blow up pool and the kids had lots of fun in it this afternoon. They have been extremely bored since coming back from Nonny's. They just follow me around the house all day and ask to go back to "the other house." It's hard for a 3-year old to understand that the "other house" is 500 miles away. They needed a distraction! Tomorrow we have friends coming over to distract even more.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Insomnia Cooking

I haven't been able to sleep well lately, so I made another blog to post recipes. You can go back to my profile and click on Insomnia=Cooking Site or go to