Saturday, September 30, 2006


Juliette's ride
I REALLY didn't like this hill.
Gideon enjoyed being held for a few hours. He's such a mama's boy.

We went hiking today with two of the other residents and their families. It was fun but I'm exhausted!!! The kids enjoyed it. Juliette said that she had fun in the jungle.

Monday, September 11, 2006

It's night night time.

They were supposed to each be in their rooms reading books and getting settled in for bed. That didn't work like I planned it. I'm so glad they have learned to enjoy spending time together.

I gave up and let Juliette "read" to Gideon. They both love books so much. We're just a booky family I guess.

The Daddy Cart

The kids love being hauled around by Dad. His improvised wagon has been an inspiration to Juliette, she has been toting Elmo around in one.

Parked in the "garage" with peanut butter on her face.

As I'm writing this, Juliette is outside and I looked out there and she was giving the dog a drink from her sippy cup...uuuuugh!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Booth's visions

We were given a copy of the first vision at church a while back (I love my church!), and I thought it was wonderful. Ray found the second a few days ago on the internet. They are very long, so I will just give the web address. Take the time to read them. They are thought provoking and heart wrenching, but I believe you will be greatly blessed.

A Vision of Heaven

A Vision of the Lost

General William Booth was the founder of the Salvation Army.

Juliette the Photographer

I am once again impressed with my 3-year old's abilities. She's been taking pictures for a while now and getting better at it each time. I guess it's kind of good that we have a camera that isn't fancy enough to let our daughter play with it (even though the pictures are slightly grainy.) It was such a nice day today, overcast and there was a cool wind, it even rained a little tonight. It was so refreshing after months of 105 degree weather and a severe drought. It was nice to be outside and hear all of the families in the neighborhood hanging out for the holiday.

I thought this one was cool. This is Gideon saying cheeeeeese. Juliette also took this one.