Thursday, March 29, 2007

And the next assignment is...

Fort Polk!

As of the beginning of July, we will once again be Louisianians.

Bataan Memorial Death March

Last weekend, Ray marched in the Bataan Memorial Death March. It's a 26 mile march in the desert near White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. He went with three of the other residents that are graduating with him this year, and some other colleagues from the Darnall Family Practice clinic. You have to have a group of five and all have to finish within 20 seconds of each other. If one gets injured or disqualified or can't make it, you all get disqualified. A quarter of those who start don't finish. They finished it in 8 hours and 40 minutes. Ray said his feet never hurt that bad in his life. A lot of the march was uphill, and some through sand. The scenerty was beautiful though. This is Dave's back, by the end his entire heels were blisters and bleeding. He's still recovering.
The two in front here with linked arms are married, she's one of the other residents, Katie. Mike got back from Iraq a few months ago. She had to have two toenails removed afterwards.

The guys taking a rest and changing socks. Since it's a march, they all had to be in combat boots.
They had a flag made up with the Darnall Family Practice crest on it, and took turns carrying it.

There were over 4000 participants. There were heavy and light divisions, the group did the light. In the heavy, you bring a 35 lb. pack. There were some of the survivors of the Bataan Death March there and they were able to meet them and shake hands. Ray's there on the bottom right. We're very proud of them!

Earl is a patient cat

...and this is how I found Earl a few days ago

Evidentally he doesn't mind much, he just lays there and purrs

Earl is a patient cat

Thursday, March 22, 2007

So what's up with us?

I have not been keeping up with the blog that well. But I've got good excuses. We have been busy! Ray got back from Miami two weeks ago. He was doing a trauma rotation there. Evidentally the Army sends their doctors there to train for how to take care of gun shot wounds, etc. and they have a lot of that in Miami. He has some very interesting stories to tell, but he's very glad to be back home. While Ray was gone we went to Louisiana for a bit.

Now that we're all back in Texas, we have been working on getting the house ready to sell. I'm going to try to do "for sale by owner," I cringe to think of a realtor taking 5-6%, but if we can't sell it, we'll have to do that. And where are we going? That's a good question. We wish we knew too. We should find out any day. Fort Polk is very likely, but it still could be Europe, or anywhere else in the world.

Gideon turned two in February and we had a Cars birthday party. He has gotten to like Cars a lot. He call Lightning McQueen "Ca Chow." Of course I think it's adorable, as is everything he does. :)

Juliette has fallen in love, with a small fuzzy creature with wiskers. His name is Earl and we brought him back here from Louisiana. He was Ben's (my brother's) cat, but Ben started to have a lot of allergy problems with him, so we inherited him. He is just about the best cat ever. Juliette drags him out from under beds, and various other hiding places, carries him around sometimes by his arms, and makes beds for him, all the while almost smothering him by pushing a pillow over his head, and he just takes it. He doesn't try to scratch. He even tries to sweep the cat litter that has fallen onto the floor back to the litter box or into a little pile. I'll have to get pictures of him. It's pretty amazing since he was a wild cat. He's still a kitten but he's getting pretty big.

Ray has been extremely busy working on his research project. When he hasn't been doing that he has been preparing for the Battan Death March. He and 4 of other third year residents, as well as a staff are going to New Mexico for it. It's a 26 mile march, so they're wearing their BDU's complete with combat boots. Being in the desert, parts of it are through sand. He's been looking forward to this for quite a while and spent a lot of time on the treadmill lately.

When I'm not repainting a deck, doing yardwork or orgainizing closets, I've been selling some stuff on eBay. It's amazing what people will spend on children's clothing...$70 on one dress! It makes me not feel so bad about by own splurges. I'm trying to make money towards getting a new camera. If I succeed, you might be getting a lot more pictures and some video on here. woohoo!

So that's life right now. I'll leave you with a Julie-ism. She wraps up all sorts of things in papers and dish towels. She brought me something yesterday wrapped in a dish cloth. She said she wanted to bring it to her friends at the church. Inside she had a cookie with a glob of ice cream on top. Needless to say, we did not bring it to church that night. Hope all of you friends and readers out there are doing well! I would love to hear how y'all are doing too. You can email us at or I'm on Myspace too. (That has been fun.) I will try to post some new pictures soon, so keep checking for them.