Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's the simple things...

Gideon is sitting next to me brushing my hair with a My Little Pony comb.

Juliette has been saying goofy things like "Doggone it!" "Oh my gosh!" and "Dang it!" I'm going to have to watch what I say very carefully.

Now, Gideon is setting next to me, putting the camera to his ear and saying hello.

Now, he's holding it up to his eye, getting right in my face saying, "Cheese!" or some gurgle that sounds like cheese.

Speaking of cheese, Juliette was in the fridge asking me if she could have some and brought me the 1 lb. wedge of parmesan we got at Sam's yesterday...uh, no cheese for you.

Julie calls panties candies.

She is very excited about her new "dancing dress."

Gideon is leaning against me now, putting his head on my shoulder...such a cuddler (he also smells like poop, but oh well, I'll get to that later.

He's pressing the buttons on the camera and saying "uh-oh."

I'm so blessed with these kids! I love that I can have conversations with Juliette now, this Mommy thing gets better every day. I'm so blessed to be able to stay at home with them! I better take the camera from Gideon before he starts deleting stuff.

1 comment:

Gregg, Mandi, Lucie, Griffin, Drew and Caleb said...

I agree.... this mommy thing is awesome. God has sure blessed us!