Thursday, November 09, 2006

Juliette's Art

Juliette was just drawing, so I thought I would share some pictures. She amazes me. So, when I asked her what the green one was, she said mad. It really does look mad. The purple one is supposed to be me. What a little artist she is!

So, on another note, we've found out some information about our next PCS (permanent change of station), in non-Army terms, that means where we will go in July. There are no spots open for family practitioners in Turkey. God opens and closes doors, and I guess that wasn't meant to be, at least for now. So, our rankings are Europe, Fort Drum in New York, Fort Polk (Louisiana), then and operational position in Europe. I can't remember the rest, Kentucky, Missouri, and Georgia are in there somewhere. Every graduating resident in the army has to put Fort Polk as a choice, and since we have it as third when everyone else probably has it as eighth, seems to mean we're a shoe in to the powers that be. Ray had an interview with the Colonel in charge of placement yesterday, and the whole conversation was him talking about Fort Polk. It seems they have already made up their minds. All we were praying for was God's will in the situation. It will be nice to be near family, especially since we were also informed that Ray will probably be deployed within a year after graduating residency. Ray already knew this, but it seems much more final with a Colonel saying it. God has all of this in control. We have faith that he is good and will work all things for our good and His glory.

We will be back home Thanksgiving week!! It will be great to see everyone!

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