Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bataan Memorial Death March

Last weekend, Ray marched in the Bataan Memorial Death March. It's a 26 mile march in the desert near White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. He went with three of the other residents that are graduating with him this year, and some other colleagues from the Darnall Family Practice clinic. You have to have a group of five and all have to finish within 20 seconds of each other. If one gets injured or disqualified or can't make it, you all get disqualified. A quarter of those who start don't finish. They finished it in 8 hours and 40 minutes. Ray said his feet never hurt that bad in his life. A lot of the march was uphill, and some through sand. The scenerty was beautiful though. This is Dave's back, by the end his entire heels were blisters and bleeding. He's still recovering.
The two in front here with linked arms are married, she's one of the other residents, Katie. Mike got back from Iraq a few months ago. She had to have two toenails removed afterwards.

The guys taking a rest and changing socks. Since it's a march, they all had to be in combat boots.
They had a flag made up with the Darnall Family Practice crest on it, and took turns carrying it.

There were over 4000 participants. There were heavy and light divisions, the group did the light. In the heavy, you bring a 35 lb. pack. There were some of the survivors of the Bataan Death March there and they were able to meet them and shake hands. Ray's there on the bottom right. We're very proud of them!

1 comment:

Heather said...

we are very proud of him too!

-Matt and Heather