Saturday, May 27, 2006

Mr. Fix-It

First, you've got to have a plan.

Think really hard.

Time to get to work.

That was fun!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Army brats

Every time I get a good picture, I realize after I get them on the computer that she has something on her face. Things would be a lot easier if she wasn't addicted to ketchup.

Juliette is very proud of the picture they made. She just put it on the refrigerator and said they did a good job.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dear God...

It's been really nice having Daddy around the last few days. We had a retreat for the residency program and then he has been on leave the last three days also. So today we went to Chucky Cheese's and Juliette had lots of fun. I'm sure Gideon did too, but he's a little young to express that. He did have fun being tickled tonight though and asked for "tickle." So after watching the American Idol finals (of course) we put Juliette to bed and asked her if she wanted to pray and she said "Dear God," and mumbled some then said, "Thank you for the mouse," (what she calls Chucky Cheese), "Amen." As I type this she's singing Happy Birthday Chucky Cheese's. She's a rascal sometimes, but she's so darn cute!

On another note, I can't believe Taylor Hicks won. He reminds me of my dad, the Beatles haircut, even the goofy dancing!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Water Babies

Gideon is the anti-water baby. He had just finished screaming in this picture. Can't blame him too much, the water was cold, but Juliette didn't seem to mind much. Look at that chubby tummy. He's finally getting some fluff.
I had to drag her back in the house after three hours of this. She also tried to hose down her friends that were over yesterday three times. She got in a little bit of trouble, especially by the third time. When Megan was leaving she told her mom, "We were really good, but Juliette was so bad, she did all kinds of stuff!"

Winkin Noggin?

Look Mom, it's Bubblefoot
Gideon's first Oreo

Juliette has been asking for the Winkin Noggin movie over and over. We finally figured out what it was. On the Veggie Tales Daniel and the Lion's Den movie there's a song..."We could lock him in a dungeon, we could let him rot in jail..." So it wasn't Winkin Noggin, it was We could lock him.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Tricycle

Juliette loves her "bicycle" that Granny got her. She doesn't get the concept of "tri"-cycle. She has had a lot of fun riding Elmo around on it. She's gotten very upset when it fell over and Elmo "got hurt." cost $20, so we were able to accessorize it with the tassels and horn and buy a big purple ball. :)

The kids have enjoyed watching our baby birds that are in the nest on the back porch. There's five babies and it seems like all the mommy and daddy bird do is fly back and forth all day long feeding those babies, and I thought MY job was hard.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Insomnia stinks

Everyone but Ray seems to be suffering from insomnia lately. Gideon was up from 12-3 a.m. last night! Anyhow, we had a fun and busy day. I'm surprised I can hold my eyes open. We went to the Waco zoo with a bunch of friends. Lindsey and I rode together. Her son, Reed seems to have a crush on Juliette. He calls her his honey. It starts early! Anyhow, I was so excited about taking pictures and very dissapointed when my battery in the camera died as soon as we got there. :( We had fun, Juliette thought the bears swimming in the water and playing with each other were hilarious. Gideon just rolled around in the stroller and smiled like usual.

Then we got back and painted the deck! This has been my never ending task, but I'm so proud of myself. I'm learning how to do all sorts of things. Barbara and Gina helped. They're cheap labor. I pay them in DQ Blizzards. Juliette was asking, "What are you doing?" so much that we started counting the times and finally gave up. To keep Gideon occupied I gave him his very own caramel sundae to eat himself. He has been very interested in eating with a spoon. He loved it. He was a big gooey mess afterwards.

Dad pulled out the guitar tonight and he and Juliette had a father-daughter sing a long. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 123 Jesus Loves Me, and the ABC song were hits. Julie used the pic while Ray did the chords. She dropped it in the guitar once. "QRS, uh-oh." Really cute. Later she said she "broke DFG."

Then, off to bed with them. We were coloring in her princess book and she said, "Mom, I want to be a princess." How wonderful to tell her she already is, she's a daughter of the King.