Saturday, July 15, 2006

Some thoughts on parenting

Tonight we had a get together for Ray's residency program and we forgot Gideon's yellow blanket at the residency director's house. I thought he would be OK without it. He normally goes to bed at 8 and I just finished rocking him to sleep and it's 10:20. So, I guess he had more trouble getting to sleep without it than I thought he would. But, since he couldn't sleep, I got to rock him to sleep and I haven't done that since he was maybe 6 months old. Unlike his sister, Gideon is a very independent sleeper. Most times, he just cannot go to sleep unless we lay him down in his crib with his blankie, and when we do instead of crying like Julie always has, he kind of giggles. All this to say, it was very nice to be able to rock him to sleep. As I was rocking him and praying for him, I started to think about how blessed I am. Sometimes it's hard for me to say thanks to people or encourage others. It's like I think I'll lose something of myself if I give that encouragement away. Anyway, I'm so blessed to have two parents that are my best friends, aside of course from Ray who is elevated above that status. I'm just starting to realize how rare Ben and my relationships with our parents are. I've been praying about how I can help bring my children to Christ and was reading something that talked about "loving them into heaven's arms." I believe that's what my parents have done with us. There's never any guaranty with parenting, but the more you love and give away of yourself, the more profitable it is. It's so wonderful to be able to talk about anything with my parents, not just when I have a bad day, but deeper things that truly affect my soul. That's what I want my parenting to be, I want to raise up best friends for Ray and I so that we can share our life, values, and love for the Lord with them. Of course, I don't expect that to happen truly until they've left the nest. If I did expect that now, I would not be able to instill in them obedience and respect for authority that they will need for life. I want to love them into heaven's arms and see them impact their world with His love. The moral of this story is I'm thankful for an example. My parents are not perfect. They've missed the boat on some pretty key issues in my life, ahem, like Ray. But, I also know I'm making mistakes everyday. There are no perfect parents, there is only God, our perfect heavenly Father. We are blessed that He also wants that best friends status with us. In fact he wants more since we are the "bride of Christ." I'm feeling much more grounded lately, knowing that I don't have to look through every parenting book I can find to know how to parent my children. I have two wonderful guides in my parents and my Lord. I knew there was a verse to pertain to that...I am "thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Tim. 3:17 I'm thankful to my parents for displaying Christ to me, and along with Christ, helping me to be equipped for this very hard task of parenting. And I'm thankful that we forgot the yellow blanket, and I was able to rock my son to sleep and looking into those closed eyes, reflect on all that I've been given.

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