Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I love cheese, Mom

I have been neglected my digital camera lately, so I don't have any new pics to post, but Juliette is always entertaining so here's some Julie-isms.

Yesterday we were at cell group and I told her, "I love you", and she said, "I love cheese, Mom." Evidently she had enjoyed the snacks.

She had a few ant bites the other day and I put some toothpaste on it to make it stop itching. She knocked the skin off the nuckle of her finger this morning and showed it to me. She had put toothpaste on it herself. She said, "It's going to get, all, all better."

There were several others I had on my mind, but I got interrupted by the need for a bowl of cereal, so I guess I'll have to post those later.

OK, I remembered, so I'm editing this one. Yesterday she was on the potty passing gas and she said, "Something blowing, Mom."

Oh my JuJu, always entertaining.

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