Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another busy day

Hello! We've had another busy day today. Juliette and I went to Bible Study Fellowship this morning and I helped out in her classroom. Two hours with twelve 2 and 3-year olds is tiring! Gideon stayed with our faithful babysitter (and neighbor) Ms. Tina. He starts crying when I bring him over, but as soon as I'm out the door, he's happy as a lark and playing with the other kids. It's all for effect, "I can't live without you Mom!" He doesn't realize I get the real story. We went to Wal-Mart this afternoon and much to my husband's delight I got the oil changed. This has been an item of contention in our house. The guys at the car dealership say it's OK for 5000 miles, it's cheaper (an argument that almost always wins Ray over) and it's less work for me. Oh well, I will submit to my husbands mighty authority! :) I love you Ray. ;) Anyhow, slight catastrophe when we were some apple dippers at McD's and Gideon choked on one. He was crying and gagging, but not choking choking. For quite a while I didn't know what was going on. Thought maybe he bit his tongue, but the gagging continued! Got scared and tried to call Dr. Ray who is never ever in his office. We got home and he urped up this big hunk of apple and smiled real big. I guess all's well that ends well. He's back to his own laughy smily self. Got some cute pictures of the kids playing outside tonight. Hopefully Ray will remember to bring back the magic computer cord and I can finally post the pictures. Ms. Cathy called after supper, one of JuJu's favorite people in the world. We are so blessed with so many wonderful friends, and a great church that many of those friends come from! God sure must love us a bunch to give us such good friends (and family...we love you all.) I know you were about to comment Granny....wonderful, wonderful family!

Last, but infinitely not least...really got blessed by 2 Corinthians 4 yesterday morning. Sometimes, when you love and love on someone and don't see any change it is incredibly discouraging. Completely covered what I've been feeling lately and really comforted even as it stings a that IcyHot stuff I used to rub on Mom's back. It's humbling to be reminded that it is by his mercy that we have this or any ministry (v.1). Even as I write this, Ray's got his praise music running on the computer and it's saying, "You are worth it, you are worth it all." I wish I could say more, but feel like it would do an injustice. You can look it up on If anyone's never seen that before, you are really missing out on a blessing! You can find everything on there!

Anyhow, got to go defunk myself. I ran(off and on) a mile on the treadmill tonight. Haven't done that in like 3 years probably. Very proud of myself, but I keep thinking what's that smell?

Love y'all

Just ran the spell check, it got all kinds of funny things like urped and smily. I'll just have to be grammatically incorrect.

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