Monday, April 17, 2006

First blog ever!

Ray and I have been so blessed with good friends, great family and wonderful kids and I thought blogging would be a great way to keep everyone connected! So here we go a-blogging! I've been meaning to record all of the very interesting happenings of our happy household, so this will be great. In case anyone is wondering, the name is from Juliette (lover) and Gideon (warrior). It also seems appropriate for day to day happenings in the adventure of raising kid. I guess it could also apply because of Ray being in the Army.

I'll start with kid stats:

  • Favorite Song: He Reigns (And all God's children singing glory, glory, hallelujah, He reigns)
  • Favorite Movie: Lady and the Tramp
  • Communication style: Jeopardy--every statement as a question, i.e. "Did you have fun at church?" "Do you want some to drink?" Then we have to ask the question to find out "Yes, I had fun at church."
  • Alter ego: Elmo--if Juliette is scared, she asks if Elmo is scared and comforts him
  • Best friend: Elmo--loved into a floppy mass of balding red fur
  • 2nd Best friend: Donna the neighbor (age 10)
  • Favorite saying: "It's going to be OK"
  • Favorite Pastime: Drawing and making beds to take care of Elmo and his 10-12 clones


  • Communication style: Point and grunt
  • Newest trick: Standing up on his own
  • Favorite food: Yogurt or anything spicy
  • Most loved item: Yellow blanket
  • Favorite toy: Playstation controller
  • Most known for: Big smiles and laughs
  • Favorite place to be: Anywhere within two feet of mom (same for Julie, which makes crowded living conditions)
  • Recent achievement: Pooping on the potty (more advanced than sister)

Highlights of Today:

Juliette and I colored (within the lines for the most part) a very attractive picture of Strawberry Shortcake. We then went to Wal-Mart and bought Lady and the Tramp for Julie's birthday, came home and made several beds for Elmo. Elmo beds have included a stainless steel bowl, laundry basket, and Princess sleeping bag today. Right now baby Elmo is sleeping on the kitchen floor in a bowl and holding Julie's helium balloons from her recent birthday party. Supper was tacos and chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert. Obviously, supper was immediately followed by a bath, complete with bubble bath finger paint.

As for Ray and Les:

Ray is doing his Internal Medicine rotation which is the hardest one in the residency, but is going well. We aren't seeing much of him though. Leslie is trying to rest this week after the whirlwind of activity last week with Easter egg hunts, hosting an Easter egg dying, and having a birthday party for Juliette.

I'm going to try to post some picures soon, but need to find the little cord that connects the camera to the computer first.

1 comment:

Gregg, Mandi, Lucie, Griffin, Drew and Caleb said...

Congrats on joining the wonderful world of blogging!! Can't wait to see the pics :)